Sunday 30 August 2015

Sunday Selfies Ride Again

6 weeks ago I stuck a 12 week plan to the fridge for Royal Parks Half. Sadly things don't always go to plan and a mixture of life, illness and just bad luck mean most of my plan is covered in crosses to mark missed runs. But I haven't given up and I'm still aiming to get as close to 2 hours as I can on 11 October. And what's more the Maidstone Sunday Selfies have once again risen to me aid!

They've still been running week in and week out but I've only watched from a sad lonely distance. Wondering if I'd ever be good enough to trot out with them again. I started the Facebook Group that brings us together to help me train for Brighton and London and save our non-running friends from endless photos, run plans and endless run chat! But it's become something I never imagined and is simply the best motivation anyone could have. 

So last week I was nervous but pleased to be able to try and get out running with them again - we planned an ambitious two part run with those running further meeting those running the shorter distance mid-way through. It worked. We ran. We ate blackberries. We dodged bulls. We took selfies. 12 of us altogether, running at the speed of chat - making sure we all get round. 

So today I wanted to go further - 10 miles. Boy what a great run! Hills, hills and more hills (thanks Sara!) but amazing views, off road tracks, smiles, more blackberries and plenty of selfies! I'm back to running hills and miles. It's not fast but it is pretty. 

If I keep pushing at parkrun, SRC nights for my speed to come back. Who knows maybe the two things will combine and I'll find I can at least beat last years Royal Parks time even if I can't get under 2 hours. 

In the end I don't care. I'm reminded why I run each time we stop to take a selfie. So thank you one and all who have ever come on one of our runs. 

"The reason we race isn't so much to beat each other....but to be with each other" 

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