So on Sunday as I returned to my favourite solo route along the river, just the cows and walkers for company I felt great. I had my old running play list running through my head (a fabulous mix of 80s movie music) - no longer on headphones but ringing in my ears just the same. Wow, just how far have I come! New shoes already have 40k in them, no more gel mishaps and last week of my first ever training plan nearly complete.
You see back in April I did something a little rash - without telling anyone (not even my partner) I entered the 2015 London Marathon ballot. The chances of being successful are so slim I figured may as well see what happens. With Brighton Marathon just two weeks before if a miracle should happen I'll just defer London and know that in 2016 I'll have a place. Well a miracle has happened. First time in the ballot. First time lucky. Two weeks after Brighton I'm supposed to run in London.
Supposed to - oh go on, you know me by now. I'm SO going to run in London. After all reaching the 26 April and watching everyone set off without me - no chance. Besides with Brighton safely in the bag the pressure is off, I can enjoy myself. Think of it as a long run with friends, feeling good, stopping for selfies, picking flowers even? Why not, what have I got to lose?
On this crazy journey of mine - everything suddenly seems possible!
If you've read my blog and fancy offering support to my chosen Royal Parks charity Amnesty International please use the link at the top of the page or text JOFW99 £2 to 70070.